A Residential Cruise Ship Thats Supposed To Sail The World For 3 Years Has Been Stuck In Northern Ireland For 3 Months

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A Three-Year Cruise Ship Saga: A Residential Cruise Ship Stuck in Northern Ireland for Three Months

The World Residencial Is Unable to Sail For Three Months

A three-year world cruise on the residential ship 'The World' has been disrupted after the vessel became stuck in Northern Ireland for three months.

The 644-foot ship, which is home to 165 luxury apartments, departed from Southampton, England, in December 2022, on a 245-day voyage.

However, the ship was forced to dock in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in January 2023, due to a technical issue with its propulsion system.

The issue has yet to be resolved, and the ship remains docked in Belfast, with no confirmed departure date.

The Passengers' Frustration

The delay has caused significant frustration among the ship's passengers, who have paid up to $4 million for their apartments.

Some passengers have complained about a lack of communication from the ship's operator, ResidenSea, and have expressed concerns about the safety of the vessel.

ResidenSea has apologized for the inconvenience and has offered compensation to the passengers.

The Financial Impact

The delay is also having a significant financial impact on ResidenSea.

The company has had to refund passengers for missed ports and has incurred additional costs for repairs and maintenance.

The total cost of the delay is still unknown, but it is likely to be substantial.

The Future of the Cruise

The future of the world cruise is uncertain.

ResidenSea has stated that it is committed to completing the voyage, but it is unclear when the ship will be able to depart from Belfast.

The passengers are hopeful that the issue will be resolved soon and that they will be able to continue their journey around the world.