A Comprehensive Guide To The Israeli Defense Forces Compulsory Military Service

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Israel Draft: An Overview

A Comprehensive Guide to the Israeli Defense Forces' Compulsory Military Service

What is the Israel Draft?

A Mandate for National Service

The Israel Draft, also known as Israel's "Sherut Leumi" (National Service), is a mandatory military or civil service for Israeli citizens and permanent residents. Enacted by the Knesset in 1949, it mandates all eligible individuals to serve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) or in an officially recognized alternative civilian service role for a specified duration.

Both men and women are required to register for the draft at the age of 17. Men are expected to serve for a period of 2 years and 8 months, while women serve for 2 years. Those who choose alternative civilian service serve for 3 years.

Who is Eligible for the Israel Draft?

Certain individuals are exempt from the draft, including:

What are the Benefits of Military Service in Israel?

Serving in the IDF offers numerous benefits to individuals, including:

Completing the IDF service is also considered a rite of passage and a source of pride for many Israelis.

What are the Alternatives to Military Service?

For those who do not wish to serve in the IDF, Israel offers two main alternative civilian service options:


The Israel Draft is an integral part of the country's national defense and cultural fabric. It plays a significant role in shaping Israeli society and provides individuals with numerous opportunities for personal growth and contribution to their country.